Here is my answer to Order66 on the star wars universe... The Last Jedi who is on the run. Along with 2 of his closest friends who were lieutenants in the Republic Army. Now they choose to stay aligned with the Rebellion but not a part of it. In order to protect his true Identity as a Jedi Moelinium Maximus (Christopher Tracey) has gone underground with Ikyra Jex  (Zoe Saldana) and Jana Lasp (Scarlett Johansen) to combat the Empire. I have taken a stock photo for my background and I have used Scarlett Johansen and Zoe Saldana and myself from a Photo that I took from  maybe 2006 as my 3 characters. I downloaded the Star Wars Font and recreated the Logo and movie title.
The last Jedi

The last Jedi

Movie Poster
